Barthe's Enigma Code

This theory suggests that a narrative involves a puzzle, which the viewer must solve or that is solved at the end of the narrative. This puzzle or riddle draws the audience in and keeps its attention. These puzzles can include amongst others the identity of a criminal, what happened to a certain character, or how characters are going to survive a certain situation.

Barthe's Enigma Code can be found in the previously analysed trailers in different ways.

Psycho: The puzzle presented in this trailer is the identity of a murderer and the mystery of the motel in which the narrative takes place.

Shutter Island: The puzzle of the Shutter Island trailer is what has happened to the escaped patient, and how she escaped. Another puzzle presented is the identity of an extra patient.

Snakes on a Plane: Who put snakes on the plane? What for? Who will survive? These are the puzzles brought forward by  the Snakes on a Plane trailer.

Barthe's Enigma Code theory is relevant to the production of a teaser trailer as it is what entices the viewers. Also, if a certain, specific puzzle is presented through the trailer then it can make the trailer unique.

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